Friday, 23 January 2015


So this week has been pretty rough, not in the work department but normal life. My computer of several years hand built with love and care finally got put to rest. It's going off to live on a farm now. So I haven't had a computer this time... So I haven't had a computer as well as other life problems.

I've been spending my week working in the labs instead, well far more than I would before hand. I think I like the labs much more now as before I was more prefering to work from home. But the lab atmosphere I'm starting to like, even if theres lots of crazy drama.

So when it comes to work I've spent almost all of this week working on Unreal Engine 4. Aside from these few small assets I made. These are really simple objects mostly just boxes, Theyre all things like signs and planks of wood, things we can use to make the environment feel far more alive.

So I am the Master Builder of this project. My two other teammates have been working their asses off making assets and also working out some particular blueprint tasks and I've been making them all work together in unreal.

I think I'm really starting to love environment art. Just putting everything together is very fun to me, and especially adding particles and sound cues and matinees! I think I might just be steering towards chosing environment art as my future.

Our level focusing on creating a horror game like atmosphere has alot of stark 
 lighting and I've even been adding flashing lights and spooky environment effects.

Atmosphere turns out is hard to create. Especially making it feel like a hospital. 

This is an example of how I've blocked off a path.Years of seeing blocked debris passages in games I finally get to make one haha!

This is our level over all so far. We were suggested to make it smaller so I did. But now we have lots of assets to use I've gone back in adding extra corridors and extra side paths that may be blocked off but help make our hospital setting feel more real. 

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