So this week begins with the finishing up of my Sentry Gun. I've been pretty ahead here so It was mostly just tweaking and having fun here.
Here's my sentry looking pretty dapper. I'm very happy with it. My main goal was making it look cute and people are thinking its cute! So I chock this guy up as a success.
The main thing I wanted to change was the projectable. This was my first one, and it looks fairly rubbish. I wanted it made out of planes so it could be some kind of laser blast, but then I realised it just wasn't good enough.
This was my redesign projectile. This one looks far better slugging out of the gun barrel and fits the whole neon orange energy I've been designing. I then moved onto fiddling with particle effects. Mostly just because I wanted to try them.
So now my sentry gun ejects a stream of particles when it fires! It also shoots some out each time it fires. Are these particles actually good? Nah they're kind of rubbish but considering I've never used it before its a bit of fun. It's always a good way to learn by just fiddling and messing around.
Last of all for my Sentry Project is my new poster. I had already made a poster idea for my final just for fun. But this time I researched before hand which of course makes it better.
Now we move onto this Dichotomous Duo project! I'm very happy at this brief, it sounds like great fun. Although there are downsides. First of all, this starts off overlapping with our Sentry Gun Project. It doesn't really effect me much as I finished off my Sentry but I know alot of people are really struggling now because of this and basically will start this project behind. That kinda sucks.
Secondly considering we have to present our designs on thursday we dont have much time to concept. Again this shouldnt be an issue but in my last project I didn't spend long enough concepting and now I have less time than before for two characters! That is kind of completely terrifying. I just have to see it as a challenge.
I've started off by making a massive reference folder, after mind mapping some very rough ideas. Currently at 440 pictures and I know I'll get more at some point. It's not all Pintrest images so I decided to save them all for my project folder, which seems to make more sense to me than just using Pintrest. I'm currently a good few moodboards in.
These are just 2, and I've been sketching on what I've liked. It's a good idea and will probably help me design in the next week.
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