Monday, 3 November 2014

Week Five ; The Late Update!

Oh man I'm slightly late to the party today. I've been swept up in the spooky scary tidal wave of Halloween! But it is always nice to celebrate the scary for  abit, I think.

Anyway the Sentry Gun Project. I am very happy about this! Right now I've finished off all of the concept art and literally about to start making the thing in 3D Max. So lets have a look.

Starting moodboards are always good to look at. This is me just splurging my ideas down to see what sticks. I came into this project with an idea to make things alittle more interesting, I wanted to make a tiny mini-sentry gun. A baby one. Focus on the Cute. Thats why I looked at some old toys and various things. I also took in alot of Retro-Futuristic designs. That's the sort of genre that stuck because it felt the most powerful to me at making an adorable little turret. 

Its important to know that we were meant to design this using real life objects. So here I used combined Microphones and Camera lenses together. I put all of these into the bashkits because that seemed like the best use to me using their default shapes.

I love this Bashkit technique we were taught recently. It was great fun to use. Simply you take parts from our mood boards and slam them together to try and make a turret. I think this was a great way to quickly do some designs for mechanical assets. Sometimes you get some great ideas to go further on, things you wouldn't of thought of before hand. I will definitely be using the future for some designs. 

These little doodles were quite useful to me. It's odd how this can sometimes happen, short little doodles can be so useful. By doing some rough looks at how these guys would look in 3D it made me notice how some of the designs look far cuter than others. After all cute is what I'm looking for in this turret design.

I'd like to preface this crazy colour design deal by saying I was VERY ill when making all of this. SO I probably made some crazy weird decisions. Not that it really matters, sometimes that can be good. I wasn't really sure what design to take further so this helped me so much to find. Through the bashkit designs and this getting the perspective of other people via facebook and just generally asking was really important. It helped me so much. It's always awesome to get another set of eyes on a design.

This was the turret design I went with! I'm really happy with it. Not only does it look cute, like I wanted, but it has some really interesting colours and contrast. And really wheres the fun in design something without sweet colour. 

My little Final covering the turrets design doesn't look half bad. I wanted to cement in my design right now before I started building it. I think it's going to be quite strong! Now It did take me some time to realise that considering we need to build this model onto building blocks for it to work in engine I might of made my job hard for myself.

This will be our first time working on Blueprints in Unreal Engine so we'll see how hard it really will be but I'm still excited about it. It will be fun to play around and get him to work. So I'm totally psyched for the rest of this project.

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