So this past week and a bit I've been designing a Dichotomous Duo Design. Turns out these aren't the ideas I will go with as I have to restart my project, but this is what I spent my week on.
This is my scrapped Duo. I love them. I usually don't do standard Fantasy so I challanged myself to make a MMORPG styled character in a fantasy environment. I am really happy with how the style worked especially with the mage woman! Her elongated body helps make her silhouette look refined and powerful and fits the Wildstar powerful I wanted! I used alot of assessment from others and others opinions to help come up with this and they thought it was great.. But it does end up that I have to restart my project.
Turns out because I got too stuck on this idea from the start I have to restart and challenge myself. My processes weren't strong enough which is sad. I would agree though, I did rush the designing for this last 8 or 9 days of work. This is because we were informed that the concept had to be finalised for Thursday. Not an excuse by any means but slightly why I think I gave myself trouble. I believed that starting off with a very wide and malleable idea would give me a stronger designing process. Really we'll have to wait till the end of the project to see if thats true or if starting with nothing helps out more. But It doesn't really matter. I still like what I made and I'm proud of these designs.
And really by having to start again I can only make something better It's time to challenge myself and do stuff in a new process, making a far stronger character duo in the process. Of course I'm concerned whether I can get this all done in the time frame, considering I do have to model this in the end. It does mean this entire week has been essentially wasted, aside from learning things. The entirety of next week is going to be spent designing more and more, trying to make something better. Only time will tell if I have enough time for efficient modelling time.
Starting off on a new project with nothing but this! Lets see what happens.
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