Saturday, 11 October 2014

Week Zwei : I am Group.

With Week 2 drawing to a close I feel like our group has very little to show for it. Our team name is I am Group, hence the title.

We've had a hard week. This is all about the film room project, before I continue. Where we have to create a perfect replica of a room from a movie exactly following the camera shot. This has been the second week working on it, and much of the first week was spent researching different movies.

By this point we had all started working on this scene from a Clockwork Orange. We all agreed. We were all in beautiful harmony and all liked eachother. (can you guess that this is all going to come crashing down yet?)
We had finished all of our concept art and started modelling. For me, I'd actually finished the modelling of my assets already. Not a completely easy task, seeing that I have to make that teenie tiny statue down in the back. Guess how many reference pictures there were of that. Let me tell you none of them didn't look like bigfoot.

I got it all done. Even though we still had to set out a presentation and present our ideas to the tutors. Long story short, we ended up scrapping Clockwork Orange. That means my models and work has all been scrapped. But I still hold by my point that it was better to make them than to waste time just sitting around waiting to see if we were going to stick with the project.

Here's where stuff gets messy. Basically we had 3 different ways we could go. We had asked the third year students for advice and asked our fellow second years for help as well. We had a pretty good idea of what people wanted. The overwelming majority was towards the Bridge from Star Trek TOS.

It's interesting and it's colourful. With everyone liking the idea (bar one teammember) we were all ready to 
head off on it and boldly go where no man has gone before!

The other idea was the Green Bathroom from The Shining. Now personally, I like this less. The colour doesn't interest me (avacado bathrooms, bleck) and while I get that its an interesting design for a room it just never struck me. It didn't pop out as much as the other rooms when we compared them all together.

 It ended up turning into an arguement over this green bathroom, the Star Trek bridge or just continuing clockwork. Considering we had already wasted some time, and honestly I just wanted to get working and didn't care what. As long as the whole team worked together and agreed then we could be fine.

In the end we chose to go back and do the green bathroom from the Shining. Lets just say some of the negotiations about it weren't exactly diplomatic and that kind of annoys me. But in the end its far better to just start getting work done than to argue about it, as we don't have a lot of time left to do it. We wont get anywhere in the business if we argue about every change we have to make, will we?

I personally would have far prefered just continuing with something with a safer amount of time, but I think we can totally do this. I'm just not happy about how we came to this decision. Regardless its time to really work hard and get all of this done. Its time for some hard graft! I just really hope we can get it all done on time.

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