Saturday, 25 October 2014

Week Quattro : The Shinings end.

Finally this film room project is done! I think its no understatement that this has been a hard project. I don't think anyone's had a particularly easy time with this. Partly due to this being our first ever group project. While the projects been really hard I've enjoyed it, even with all the arguments and drama in our group.

This is our groups final render! Now it's not perfect, of course it isn't but I do think its really impressive. We've done well. 

This is the photo we based the scene off. I think we've done a pretty good job of making a representation of it. The biggest issue is the lightings and the textures. Those textures took a long time to get right, or even closer to right. We had a hard time tweaking and changing the roughness and colours so it would look right. But not everything worked.

This was Wednesday. As you can see, it isn't looking so hot is it? Basically everything decided to break, our lightmaps weren't working. Now surprisingly lightmaps are really important and as you can see the entire lighting rig just refuses to work without them. Why it turns everything into a Minecraft Creeper texture I have no idea. A whole day spent struggling and grafting hard to fix it and it turns out it was just one button. We had just forgot to check and sort out one button and everything broke. Typical isn't it. 

Doing all these things was a massive learning experience. Tha'ts what all of this has been about, right? I feel more confident about Unreal and I'm still loving it. Its great software. It was also a great project to learn about time management. Before, we never much used it. But now it's so so important and this has just made it far clearer. I imagine it will take me a few projects to get used to managing time however.

Speaking of a few projects! I'm really excited for the next one. I bet you'll see me post next week and I'll be all grumpy and annoyed but right now I'm psyched. I think this Sentry Gun project is going to be great fun. It might just be because we've been kind of stuck creatively on this Film Room, having to recreate a scene perfectly, but I'm super excited to design stuff. And we've been taught some awesome ways to do design work recently, which will make everything awesome.

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