Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Wiping the dust off.

It has been a while! I must admit that it's fairly bad that I haven't really been keeping up with my blog over the summer. But now it is nearly the beginning of Year 2, and it's time to wipe the dust from the old blogspot and clean away the spider webs.

So how was your summer? Mine, wasn't all that bad. My most exciting thing is that I've completely improved my digital painting. I was never confident before. People looked messy and wrong. I didn't understand how to use colour properly. But now these days are behind me! 

I am very proud of these! I spent a long time digitally painting this year. I even spent a few weeks working for a guy doing DnD paintings for a crappy youtube channel. The great thing is I bet I can get far better with more practice. Some of these characters are even ones I have designed for a comic book/graphic novel I have planned.

The exciting thing is, is that in this year I believe we get told far more about digital painting. We get taught how to use tone and colour more effectively, as well as many other things. This I am very excited for. I think this is my favourite part of the course, not the 3d or design but now actually the painting. 

Also in painting news. I've discovered how to speed paint. Yes. It's a big discovery for me. Before hand I just kind of... winged it. But through the miracle of the internet I have now learnt some ways. This is huge for me! Its so good being able to write down my ideas in short doodles that actually look half decent! I really have started enjoying spending 20 minutes on a sketch and having an semi legible result.

Next update I'll talk all about my summer project. But that, is for another time!