Saturday, 7 December 2013


 I find it pretty interesting that this limit is going to be put onto Freemium games. Especially now that many newer games for console are starting to adopt Freemium idealologies, and many are starting to include in game purchases. It's good that they're trying to do this, to stop kids from buying tonnes. But of course, gamers will always find a way around these blockades, if they want to.

 I guess this was all coming together, especially due to recent reports that in some games now adopting in game purchases, where some purchases are up to $200 in size. A lot of people were in uproar about this. So it makes sense that they do this. Personally I think that alot more Freemium games will be coming, now that they can exist on consoles. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

March of the Ents

So making trees has been pretty awesome. I've really enjoyed it. Tree number one is a beautiful little birch tree. I'm very much proud of this old girl. Honestly, as long as it looks like a tree I think it's totally a success. There is one major thing that has been an issue and that's my model size being several hundred under but really it's looking good. I've had some problems running the line between going over a size limit and just under it. It's much like when you arrive 10 minutes early instead of just on time, which is another thing I do all of the time.

Mr Second Tree is in my opinion not as solid. Which I think is a fine opinion to have. I tried to make a willow tree, because I was really proud of my Birch and partly because I saw a totally awesome willow tree I wanted to make. Now this hasn't ended out as well, personally. But it does look like a tree and is pretty alright, really. I personally think that I just need more alpha layers, or do it a different way that I haven't thought of yet. But hey, it still works.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

History 4 C - Indie History

 In the glorious old days of the Atari 2600 hundred many games were made by a handful of programmers. Anyone with the know-how to make a game filled with bleep-bloops and ham sized pixels could and could release it. That leads to why so many strange games were made for that and the similar consoles of the age. Through time in video games often games were made by these small groups of people passionate about gaming and their creations.

 Even some old games were made from passion. The 1980 arcade game Missile Command was made by progammer Dave Theurer suffering from nightmares about nuclear war. Similarly the 1988 game Wasteland and it's spiritual successor Fallout, both of which having sequels coming soon, come from the ideas of cold war fear.

 Nowadays many games are made by big publishing firms, huge groups of people making these triple A titles. But indie games are becoming more popular with each passing year, especially with Steam, Steam's Greenlight, and Kickstarter many small indie game makers can make money. The beautiful thing about indie games is that they tend to be built from passion, often with deep meanings behind it all. They bring an entirely different type of experience, and in a wide display of ranges.
 For example, Braid was designed by Jonathon Blow to be full of meanings and metaphors. Almost everything within the game is important, and this is of course an indie game.

 Cave Story was an indie game released in 2004, and it's something I want to talk about. Cave story Cave Story's original name was Doukutsu Monogatari and was made all by one man called Pixel in Japan over 5 years. Yes, all made by one guy. This is what I mean about games made from passion, he had this dream to design his game and it was awesome.
It was made to be a free game and once it was translated it became horrendously popular, and I definitely see why. It's seen by many as a masterpiece of game design. Part of a reason for it's success was that everything was solid. Solid game play, solid pixel art, solid music and a solid story that hooks you in.

 Now this sounds awesome right? This guy gained alot of digital fame via his game and people loved it. I bet he was over the moon. It gets better. Cave story has been updated and re-released, several times. Cave Story + was an updated version with new art and more levels released on all consoles and PC like a regular game, and recently a fully 3d version was released on the Nintendo 3DS.

 Oddly though all of these re-releases were done by different people and different companies, while Pixel had his fame he didn't exactly stay in the limelight.

 However a different story is the story of Minecraft and Notch, whose indie game made him so popular he now works as the CEO of his own company. Like Cave Story I remember playing this when it was in it's fairly unknown phase (which makes me sound like a massive Hipster I know). Like Cave Story it was originally all made by the Swedish fedora-wielding Notch. He made the game all in Java, inspired by other indie games such as Infi-miner.

 Like Pixel Notch built this game just because he wanted it to exsist, it's like his baby. But people loved Minecraft. People payed for access into its Beta, for each update. People started filming themselves on Youtube, making their own things.
 Now Minecraft is HUGE! It's on pocket devices and modded onto the Xbox 360 and soon the Xbox One. Notch made so much money with Minecraft he hired a team of people to help him work on it, and he now works on creating other games; which maybe he regrets after nearly getting sued by Bethesda for his game Scrolls.

 Minecraft is now one of those major fame stories, where and indie game rose to a level of video game godness, and is now pretty much known about by everyone as if it was Tetris or Mario. It's interesting how this happened. Not every Indie game explodes like this, many are lucky if they get a small fan base. It's theorised that because Minecraft's gameplay is all about building it applies to everyone. Everyone likes playing with LEGO (and if they say otherwise they're clearly in denial) and it's the same kind of satisfaction when you build a skull fortress in a mountain.

 Talking about Minecraft and its fame means I can't resist talking about mods. Modding has always happened since the days of Doom, when a pixelly flat demon was terrifying. But when it comes to Minecraft, mods have also exploded. Now many people who make big intensive mods for Minecraft such as Tekkit and Feed the Beast make money and have been able to build their own companies!

 Because Minecraft was just so simple to play and to code if someone wanted something new and awesome they could just work hard and make it; I actually know people who studied programming and did classes on Minecraft because of its ease of use. This means almost anything you can imagine has been modded.

Talking about all these video game creations made out of a person's passion all really takes a new meaning to 'Do what you love and the money will come.' But it is important to remember that when it comes to indie games, there's many stories that don't end in success. Everyone wants to tell their story, and make their game. Not everyone gets Notch level fame.
